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I-495/I-90 Interchange Improvements

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The purpose of the I-495/I-90 interchange improvements project is to provide a safe and efficient interchange of the interstate highways I-495 & I-90.

After extensive outreach to the public, stakeholders and legislators and an in-depth data driven Alternatives Analysis, MassDOT has selected Alternative C-2 as the preferred alternative. Out of the alternatives that met purpose and need, alternative C-2 scored the best in terms of environmental impact, constructability, impacts on motorists during construction, and cost. Feedback from the public and stakeholders in two rounds of engagement matched the agency’s engineering and analytical data making it MassDOT’s preferred alternative for further design.

The Draft Environmental Impact Report filed with the Massachusetts Environmental Protection Agency (MEPA) identifies alternative C-2 as the preferred alternative and is currently open for public comment.

Following the MEPA environmental review phase, the project team will conclude the 25% design/base technical concept. Public outreach and input will be central throughout the process. The project will then be advertised under the MassDOT Design-Build Program. The project entails local, state and federal environmental permitting process. The current timeline envisions construction from 2022-2026/2027.

For more information, please visit: https://www.mass.gov/i-495i-90-interchange-improvements

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